• Experts in worldwide trademark registration

    As a company specializing in global intellectual property services, Trademarks4all provides the experience and know-how to guide all trademark owners, from small businesses to large corporations, through the intricacies of international trademark registration.

  • Worldwide Trademark Registration

    In order to receive adequate protection, a trademark needs to be registered in each jurisdiction in which it will be used. Most countries have different requirements, processes and time frames, which can make it a challenge for applicants, but our expert Consultants will make applying easy for you.
    Order your trademark applications for multiple countries with one online form and let your Consultant guide you!

Trademarks 4 All – Best TM Registration Solution

Step 1: Select Country

It all starts with selecting the country where you are going to register. This decision is determined mainly by where you are developing your commercial activities.

Step 2: Choose Services

Each site is different and processes and conditions can vary significantly. For each country or organization, we present the services we offer to achieve a successful registration.

Step 3: Type Name and Select Class of Commercial Activity

Brands are registered according to the market they participate in. If you have any questions, our consultants will help you determine the class or classes where it is best for you to register your trademark.

Step 4: Sit Back and Relax

From this moment you are in the best hands. Our consultants will take you through the process in order to protect and defend your brand.

Local Expertise Global Reach

Trademarks are handled by local attorneys in each jurisdiction, and all countries have their own unique trademark law, monitoring a portfolio of trademarks can become a complex experience. This is why Trademarks 4 All has developed a unique docketing system which allows our trademark Consultants to monitor each local process with the required care and efficiency

Featured Countries

Register in multiple countries in a single transaction

To protect your trademark internationally, you must file for trademark registration country by country. Protection is dependent on territory and only granted in the country where the trademark has been effectively registered.

There are a few regional agreements that allow you to protect your trademark in multiple countries through a single application. However, worldwide trademark registration cannot be obtained in one go, and registration must be obtained by applying before the trademark offices of all desired countries.